All experiments
Zhincore Lines experiment
Portfolio design concept utilizing my Nyyxxii Lines experiment.

Category | Design |
Date | March 2021 |
Link | |
An unused design concept of my portfolio. It uses my Nyyxxii Lines experiment as a background.
- Procedurally animated background.
- Accent color of the background can be changed in real-time with tweening transition.
- Clicking the Zhincore logo releases more lines in the background.
- It was meant to be an easter egg.
- Number of lines on the screen is limited, but it can still cause performance issues.
- Unlike in the Nyyxxii experiment, upon leaving the screen line does not teleport to the opposite side of screen, it gets despawned and new one respawns at the center.
- Lines spawned by clicking the logo do not respawn, only set number of lines does.