Small projects exploring an idea or concept.
- Procedural art Zhincore CRT September 2022
Glitching CRT screen displaying an image.
- Procedural art Network July 2022
Network of randomly moving points connected by triangular links.
- Audio visualisation Bastakkalisuazer September 2021
Wallpaper for Bastakka turned into a visualizer.
- Design Zhincore Lines March 2021
Portfolio design concept utilizing my Nyyxxii Lines experiment.
- Procedural art Nyyxxii Lines February 2021
Techy purple lines randomly traversing the screen.
- Procedural art Purkyňka Triangles December 2020
Pulsing "grid" of colored triangles.
- My First Neural Network June 2020
My first attempt at programming a neural network.
- Audio visualisation
- Game concept
- Game concept
- Design SSPBrno v2 March 2019
Redesign of a website for my high school. (conformant to demands)
- Design SSPBrno v1 February 2019
My original design of a website for my high school. (animated)