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Nyyxxii Lines experiment

Techy purple lines randomly traversing the screen.

Nyyxxii Lines
Category Procedural art
Date February 2021

Effect inspired by a streamer called Nyyxxii. At that time on her streams she used a techy neon overlay of various purple shades and I liked it. It inspired me to make this mesmerizing little thing.


  • Lines spawn at the center and are given a random direction with 45 degrees step.
  • Lines move in their direction which can randomly change by 45 or -45 degrees.
  • Lines that reach the border of the screen get teleported to the opposite side of the screen leaving their trail behind.
  • Lines randomly change color shade in specified range.


I tend to just stare at this for a few minutes every time I come across it, I can't help myself.

It could be more optimized. For example I could use SVG instead of a canvas and track only breaking points instead of every single point of the line. But this just a fun little experiment, so it's good enough.